Source code for toml_dataclass

Manipulate toml and Python dataclass interchangeably.

    TomlDataClassIO: Base class for non-tabular toml data.

    TomlTableDataClassIO: Base class for tabular toml data.
import copy
from functools import singledispatchmethod
from pathlib import Path
from io import TextIOBase
import toml
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, TextIO, TypeVar, Type, Union
from warnings import warn

[docs] class TomlDataClassIO: """ Base class for a simple dataclass (i.e. with no mapping types) """ T = TypeVar("T", bound="TomlDataClassIO")
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls: Type[T], stream_in: TextIO) -> Optional[T]: """ Create an instance of the derived class from a toml file. Args: source: A filepath or an input stream. Returns: Instance of the type of cls. """ d = toml.load(stream_in) return cls._from_dict(d)
[docs] def write(self, stream_out: TextIO): """ Write the dataclass as a toml file. Args: target: A filepath or an output stream. """ toml.dump(self._as_dict(), stream_out)
@classmethod def _from_dict(cls: Type[T], d: Dict[str, Any]) -> T: """ Create an instance of the derived class from a toml dict. The toml library internally encodes toml data as a python dictionary. This method is not supposed to be called directly, but internally it should be used in a way similar to the following: Example: toml_data = toml.load(toml_filepath) my_instance = MyDataClass._from_dict(toml_data) Important: Notice that the output of this method can be different from the output of toml.load Example: @dataclass class Plugin: name: str @dataclass class Configuration: name: str list_of_plugins: List[Plugin] original_c = Configuration( "my-config", [Plugin("image-jpg"), Plugin("image-png")]) original_c.write(toml_filepath) print(original_c) # Configuration(name='my-configuration', list_of_plugins=[Plugin(name='image-jpg'),Plugin('image-png')]) toml_loaded_c = toml.load(toml_filepath) print(toml_loaded_c) # Configuration(name='my-configuration', list_of_plugins=[{'name':'image-jpg'},{'name': 'image-png'}]) loaded_c = print(loaded_c) # Configuration(name='my-configuration', list_of_plugins=[Plugin(name='image-jpg'),Plugin('image-png')]) Important: Use ::read or ::read_stream instead. Args: d: Python dictionary output by toml.load """ _d = copy.deepcopy(d) for attr_name, attr_type in cls.__annotations__.items(): has_mro = getattr(attr_type, "mro", None) is not None if has_mro and ( TomlDataClassIO in attr_type.mro() or TomlTableDataClassIO in attr_type.mro() ): _d[attr_name] = attr_type._from_dict(_d[attr_name]) return cls(**_d) def _as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Create a pure Python dict representation of the derived class. The dictionary returned by this method is similar to the one returned by the toml.load method. Returns: Python dictionary that encodes the dataclass. """ d = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__) for attr_name, attr_value in d.items(): if isinstance(attr_value, TomlDataClassIO) or isinstance( attr_value, TomlTableDataClassIO ): d[attr_name] = attr_value._as_dict() return d
[docs] class TomlTableDataClassIO(TomlDataClassIO): """ Base class for a dataclass with a list object (e.g. List[AnotherTomlDataClassIO]) The exposed methods of TomlTableDataClassIO are the same of TomlDataClassIO. What differs both classes are the implementation of internal methods. """ T = TypeVar("T", bound="TomlDataClassIO") @classmethod def _from_dict(cls: Type[T], d: Dict[str, Any]) -> T: """ Create an instance of the derived class from a toml dict. See Also: ::TomlDataClassIO._from_dict """ (table_name,) = cls.__annotations__.keys() entry_type = list(cls.__annotations__.values())[0].__args__[0] my_table = [] for entry in d[table_name]: my_table.append(entry_type._from_dict(entry)) return cls(**{table_name: my_table}) def _as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Create a pure Python dict representation of the derived class. See Also: ::TomlDataClassIO._as_dict """ (table_name,) = self.__annotations__.keys() return {table_name: [entry._as_dict() for entry in self.__dict__[table_name]]}